With health and nutrition being a consistent societal priority, the dairy industry continues to innovate the forms in which dairy products are offered to the consumer, as well as advance the form in which dairy foods to optimize the nutritional value and to increase the accessibility to those with food intolerances.
Follow the link below to read the article by Hoard’s Dairyman Intel, in partnership with details of a report from CoBank, outlining the growth in dairy product sales and the steps the industry is taking at the production level to supply those demands. The article also highlights one dairy product in particular that has steadily increased in popularity since 2019.
In recent years, diary has received a negative reputation in regard to nutrition. However, new studies at the well-respected Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, USA convey the unique complexity of dairy and the rich nutritional value it offers to consumers as an important aspect of our daily food value.
Follow the link below to access the article by Dr. Lara-Breitinger and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. at the Mayo Clinic to further understand misconceptions surrounding the industry’s products and how to properly integrate the benefits of dairy into your diet.
The importance of dairy in our daily foods continues to increase and it is no doubt that diary highly contributes to feeding the world through our agricultural food systems.
Follow the link below to read the article by the International Dairy Foods Association on the Dairy Herd Management website detailing the rise in cheese consumption throughout the United States, as well as other popular dairy products.