A lifelong passion
for dairy
Welcome to El Toro Sires!
At El Toro, we value our hard-working dairy
and beef farms and the importance they hold in our society.
We are dedicated to providing your operation with high-quality
Holstein, Angus, and Jersey genetics tailored to your herd and goals.
38 years ago, Bill Hillier envisioned a company that specialized not only in effective and industry-advancing genetics, but that such an essential product be accessible, cost-effective, and value the input of the dairyman and rancher first to continue the positive advancement of the industry in its entirety and the promotion and importance of the products they produce. Bill’s ingenuity and genuine love for cattle and dairy launched a company that would put the industry first, set a standard of excellence, and identify genetics that would contribute to the progression of dairy in our society.
Beginning regionally, El Toro used to be known in the United States’ south-western region as Southwest Genetics. Establishing our family business primarily in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, and Texas, we became highly regarded by the dairymen we worked with and trusted to provide quality genetics with straight-forward advice and suggestions. As Southwest Genetics, our motto was: “The Common Sense Approach.” As we have grown and evolved, we have maintained this vision in every aspect of our work.
El Toro Genetics introduced the beginning of our export era where we had over 40 bulls, grew our stud, began exporting to 4 continents, flourished, and grew our presence internationally. In this era, we became known internationally for building our stud on bulls that are world-renowned such as, Auto, Flamingo, Boaz, Mr. Shane, and Jevon under the 508 stud code.
El Toro Sires, Inc. was established with the 708 stud code, to initiate and introduce the next generation of El Toro. Our purpose is focusing on not only the dairy industry, as well as beef, but integrating responsible environmental practices, focusing on the development, comfort, and health of the animal, continued export opportunities, and supporting the advancement of genomics for all herds globally. Most recently our bulls Tom and Frazz, have been featured in the global industry magazine, Holstein International, and are grandsons of the cow Vanden-Berge-D Shot 404 VG-87, ranked on the list of “Top 10 Cows in the USA.”We have now built a credible rapport with our clients, working with three generations on some dairies and now meeting the fourth! This is a true testament of the trust our clients have in us and the quality service and solutions we continue to provide.
Cattle are our passion and we want to work with you to see this industry prosper and progress for many generations to come!
At El Toro, we are proud to offer customized services and consultancy highlighting solid cow families with esteemed pedigrees and genetic-advancing traits that will deliver results aimed to propel our industry forward. We are focused on delivering genetics featuring well-balanced cattle that will provide the most consistent and healthy results for your herd and the product you produce.
We believe that each opinion is valuable and focus on listening to you so that we may continue to adapt to this ever-changing industry and encompass new developments needed to progress and remain relevant.
Our vision and mission is to provide the industry with affordable, ultimate quality genetics from the exquisite, well-established, and emerging breeders we celebrate and admire because they our the foundation of our industry.
Our genetic consultancy is a tailored and personalized service because every client is regarded with the highest importance and deserves authenticity and honesty in all aspects of the bovine genetic journey.
Family owned and operated since 1986.
Meet the family behind El Toro:
Genetics is our speciality and, with that, we are proud to encompass values that hold importance in present-day society, as well as considering their impact on the industry for future generations. These values allow us to progress in an ever-changing field, acknowledge that everything is interconnected, and provide a solid foundation for the health of our world, its people and its systems.
Animal & Genetic Welfare
Through the genetic selection process we focus on traits significant to the health of the animal for both the short and long-term. Our concern for the health of the animal prioritizes traits, such as: dairy wellness, feed efficiency, feet & legs, udders, strength, calving ease, and focusing on omitting the use of lethal-haplotype genetics.
A healthier animal and herd translates into less complications and fewer medications used. Not only is this efficient for the cost and effectiveness of production, but it extends the longevity of your herd, its efficiency and the impact on the resources from Earth.
With animal health directly impacting consumer health, it is essential that as an industry we are meticulous regarding the practices and methods we use in the production of our dairy and beef products to ensure exceptional global food security. This all begins with the genetics used to determine the outcome of the efficiency and health of the herd.
Managing diseases as effectively and naturally as possible leads to the reduction of antibiotics and eliminates the negative effects on consumer health while bolstering the legitimacy of our industry. Animal health contributes to the stability of livelihoods, a healthier product for consumer, and the reduction and control of infectious diseases. El Toro is here to help to strengthen our industry by providing the most exquisite bovine genetics as a foundation of health.
Environmental & Agricultural Sustainability
With the dairy and beef industries being at the forefront of negative environmental debates, it is important that we as a collective industry practice responsible environmental behaviors. Best practices to protect our environment require transparency, collaboration, owning responsibility, advancements in technology and embracing innovation in our industry. We are proud to work with dairies that are leaders in the environmental movement within the industry and embody these practices.
At El Toro, we believe that we have the responsibility to contribute to the preservation of our Earth and improve upon it for the benefit of future generations, as well as other living beings. Our moral and corporate social responsibility drives us to make advancements that contribute to environmental sustainability and, through the genetics we source and provide, we are committed to minimizing and ultimately eliminating a negative carbon footprint for the dairy, beef, and farming industries.
Humanistic Value
One of the aspects of our work that our entire team at El Toro is so passionate about is that we are privileged to work with individuals from all over the world and we celebrate all cultures for their unique beauty. Through this international interaction we are able to accentuate respectful communication, prioritize integrity, and effectively create a unified community for the success of this wonderful industry. We all wish for the best for our industry and so teamwork, confidence and transparency in our communication and the manner in which we treat our human race at all levels is of utmost value to us.
We have worked with 3 generations on most dairies and are now meeting the 4th- the future of the industry! This is a tribute to our dedication and the trust our clients have in us.
At El Toro, it is our moral responsibility to distinguish and uplift our world, and the individuals that comprise it, so that we may work together and create opportunities that promote inclusion, diversity, integrity, and are just, ethical, and nondiscriminatory. Equitable treatment toward all is a priority.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
Highlighting Gender Equality
Founded on embracing the principles of equity, inclusion, and celebrating diversity, El Toro is proud to have two female and multi-cultural owners and operators that are the co-founder and CEO. We recognize the importance of a woman’s role in our industry and the unique leadership they provide in the advancement of agriculture and farming. Women contribute meaningful perspectives and embolden collaboration, as well as generate opportunities for development, engagement, and unified communication.
When a team is diversified and women are empowered, success and progress are present at all levels and, ultimately, results in a healthy industry, work environment, and positive growth. Melding the strengths of both men and women fosters success and the most positive advancement.
At El Toro we believe all opinions are valid and that they hold crucial emphasis to the advancement of our industry. Women working together, uplifting other women, and men providing support are all aspects that will allow us to move our industry forward, TOGETHER.
Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethical Business Practices
As a family-operated business we prioritize the conscious commitment to implement all the values listed above in every business transaction and relationship we foster. Excellent standards, fairness, ethics, integrity, sustainability, protecting resources, uplifting others, and conducting oneself with moral behavior while maintaining social-economic importance are all vital principles. It is our responsibility to convey them to our clients, the public, and the industry as a whole.
Providing you with exquisite bovine genetics from the beginning is pertinent to the long-term success and health of your herd. Genetics is invaluably important and is the initial step in the process of creating a product for the consumer. As a result, it is our responsibility to you, our industry, and the environment to guide you in the selection of the most ethical product.
EL TORO is dedicated to the positive advancement of our industry and being a reputable source for you. As testament of our commitment, we hold various memberships with prominent global and USA industry associations and organizations to positively represent ag, dairy, and beef, and to continue our detailed and trusted knowledge of the industry.
Thank you for visiting us!
“Providing You with the World’s Finest Genetics is a Pleasure for Us.”
We look forward to working with you to progress our industry forward.